Market Insights Virtual Summit

Virtual summits enable you to experience the excitement, education, and multiple benefits of our live events, virtually. Enjoy a front-row seat as renowned investment and trading experts educate you on today’s financial topics.

Market Insights Virtual Summit

18 & 19 July 2020

The global economy is in tatters now as the COVID-19 pandemic has caused economic activities almost to a halt.’

The contagious virus is claiming lives. Businesses are closed. Unemployment is swelling. Governments are struggling to re-open the economy. Protests, riots and civil unrest are creeping into societies.

YET, the stock market has made a spectacular V-shape recovery since the steep sell-off in March. It keeps going higher. So, how do you make sense of this market rally when the economy is heading south?

Discover how to protect and capitalise during volatile markets

Watch 10 trading & investing experts LIVE… featuring Michael Covel, Roger Montgomery, Boris Schlossberg and many more !

Hear from these smartest investment minds for FREE

Designed to help you maximize your  wealth with experts sharing their expertise and strategies

Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through content you just don’t need, Market Insights Virtual Summit 2020 is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to help you master the financial markets, or catch them ALL. It’s up to you!




Say hello to our speakers

We couldn’t be more excited about our lineup. Which talks will you be checking out?

Michael Covel


Roger Montgomery

Founder Montgomery Investment Management

Boris Schlossberg

Managing Director BK Asset Management

Collin Seow, CFTe

The Systematic Trader

Chris Long

Cryptotrader Sg

Jay Tun

Swim Trading

Gabriel Yap

Executive Chairman
GCP Global

Dawn Cher


Michael McCarthy

Chief Market Strategist (Australia)
CMC Markets

Terence Tan

Giants Learning Technologies

Ron Teo

Wealth Mentor. Coach. Speaker

Qi Yu

Tokenize Xchange

Featured talks

Not sure what to watch? Here are some talks you won’t want to miss.

Identify Market Trends with Precision and Pick Profitable Winning Stocks

Collin Seow, CFTe

Founder, The Systematic Trader

The Only Trading Strategy for Pandemics, Riots and Chaos: Trend Following

Michael Covel


Is the Market in Another Bubble?

Roger Montgomery

Founder, Montgomery Investment Management

The Beauty of Visual Trading in Times of Crisis

Boris Schlossberg

Managing Director, BK Asset Management

With 10 experts, the tactics you need are just a click away

Our experts will be sharing their years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. If your focus is to skyrocket your trading profits in 2020, we’ve got you covered!

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This is a sample box, with some sample content in it.